Welcome to my webpage!

Main Title


Howdy! Make yourself at home :3

Welcome to my own little personal space on the web!

This site is currently in the very early stages of construction, so there's not much here at the moment.

I've been consistantly updating the site daily for about the past week, and I've been having tons of fun! Expect this site to change a LOT for the next month or so, my hope is that it'll eventially be in a state where I can focus more on putting content on here than just working on the bare bones.

Feel free to take a look around though! <3

A little kitty running around!

About me!

My name's Cal! I also go by the name of my fursona, Merrin, or by the nickname Kevin. All of these names are equally real to me, so feel free to call me by any of them!

A little bit more:

  • Pronouns: He/They pronouns, but I'll go by anything really
  • Gender: Gendergluid Demiboy, becuase my identity is as ADHD as my brain is
  • Sexuality: Unapologetically Bisexual

  • Birthyear: 2004
  • Sign: Aquarius
  • Fun fact: I don't have a large intestine! I didn't like it very much so I decided to have it removed.